July 4, 2011

Wipeout HD/Fury

Date played: July 3rd
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 20 minutes
Session fun rating: 7/10

Assegai, my old flame from Wipeout Pulse
I wanted to wash out the taste of bullets, soldiers and grenades with some sweet, sweet anti-gravity racing, thumping music and fast air craft.  As usual, I did ok but not amazing.  I was playing against some players that were a bit more experienced than usual in Rapier class.  While I had problems playing Rapier before, I did much better today and I think it's because I've been using Harimau instead of Assegai.  Assegai is fun to pilot but it's back end if a bit heavier than on the Harimau so it slides around more.

I also played something new for me online, Eliminator mode.  Basically, you just have to score as many points as possible by damaging and destroying other craft.  While it was fun, the match definitely dragged on too long but I did manage to finish second.  What's really cool about this mode is that you can turn around and go in the wrong direction of the track.  It made for some crazy battles with rockets, missiles and even reverse quakes.  Those are fucking awesome.