July 24, 2011


Date played: July 23rd
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 30 minutes
Session fun rating: 8/10

I saw this for 10$ when I was shopping for some clothes and since I had loved the demo when it first came out and I also enjoyed Split/Second which was made by the same team, I decided to buy it.
SSX on wheels

This is basically SSX on four wheels.  ATV's race, jump, trick and boost their way to the finish line!
i played through the first four events and won all of them without any problems.  I built my own ATV from scratch, selecting parts and colors.  That was a cool feature.

The format of the game is pretty much this: ride, jump, trick, ride, bigger jump, bigger trick, ride, giant jump, impossible trick, boost like a madman.  It works and is fun to play.