July 2, 2011

Dirt 3

Date played: July 2nd
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 70 minutes
Session fun rating: 7/10

I drove the shit out of this little beauty
I hit my first road block in this game.  It was a Trailblazer event in Michigan and it was pretty tough for me.  I first tried out a wacky looking supercar and while it was fast, it handled in a way that I didn't really like but I did manage to get second place with it.  That's never good enough though, I needed first place so I tried out a pimped out Ford.  That didn't really go any better and I actually used all my flashbacks in one of the segments.

Things finally started to click when I got into an Audi.  I aced it but it took me quite a few tries before I realized I was using the wrong car.

I also played split screen with my brother.  We did some rally cross, some head 2 head and a truck race.  He's pretty good so most of our races were really close and I had the advantage of knowing most of the tracks pretty well.  Here's a video of me drifting on two wheels that I made with my bro!