July 6, 2011

Magic The Gathering Duels of the Planeswalkers

Fuck off Jace.  I hate Blue.
Date played: July 5th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 60 minutes
Session fun rating: 6/10

I played four matches.  The first was online against a random person and he had a Black deck with a bunch of special cards unlocked.  I was playing Red and he wore me down with artifacts and held me hostage with a bunch of creatures that regenerate.  He won easily.

Then I failed twice at beating a Blue deck in the campaign but once I changed to a White deck, I beat him easily.  I then lost the next match against a Black and Green deck and stopped playing.  This game is slow as hell, in the campaign it's really apparent.  I mean, there is a timer for almost every fucking little thing and too many animations so it plays kind of slowly.  I do like the game but when there is so much luck involved, it's difficult for me to enjoy a bad hand and slow play.