July 17, 2011


Stupid sand worm
Date played: July 16th and 17th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 60 minutes
Session fun rating: 8/10

I spent most of my time trying to get past a stupid fucking sand worm that would eat me when I was in the sand.  I had to time my travel between wooden platforms perfectly and I just didn't know when I was safe and when I wasn't so I died about a dozen times before getting through.  That part sucked.

Then I went through a few areas of the Ashlands, fought some bad guys and picked up a giant cannon that shot pipe bombs.  That was cool.  Then I got Epona Ruin, War's trusty steed, by beating some demon who had stolen it.  He controls weird but War is much more powerful when riding it.  It also helped me beat those fucking worms finally.  I also beat the Stygian, a giant sand worm that is king of all sand worms.  It was a cool fight and after delivering it's heart to the big demon dude, I was informed that the next step was taking down a giant spider that lives past the Ashlands.