July 1, 2011

Homefront demo

Date played: June 30th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 15 minutes
Session fun rating: 8/10

I wasn't expecting a good game when I booted up Homefront's multiplayer demo but I was pleasantly surprised!  It's really close to Call of Duty or Battlefield Bad Company in structure and feel.  The controls are good, the guns are cool and there are 24-36 players in a match.  As usual, I went with an LMG class and got a few kills but I didn't really have time to learn how to play yet.

Homefront looks like any other game but it plays well
There are some cool ideas here like a commander that can tag enemies, special items like remote controlled drones and controllable vehicles.

I don't think it's the same quality as Black Ops but it's solid nonetheless.  It's too bad that Kaos Studios was shit down by THQ but maybe I'll pick this up on the cheap one day.