July 3, 2011

Ghost Recon Shadow Wars

Date played: July 2nd
Platform: 3DS
Time played: 40 minutes
Session fun rating: 2/10

I finally passed this mission with a bomb on a ship.  This was my third attempt at it so you can understand that it was quite boring but at least I succeeded and am ready to move on to the next mission.

Since I've done this mission twice before, I knew exactly how to beat it and it wasn't a problem at all.  I still really like Banshee, the stealthy lady but she is starting to come up against enemies that she can't kill in one shot with the knife so she is losing a bit of utility.  I really love how each character is so unique in this game and I kind of wish the setting wasn't so generic.  It would have been nice with mechs, robots, beasts or something that simply wasn't soldiers or mages.