July 8, 2011

Magic The Gathering Duels of the Planeswalkers

Date played: July 7th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 120 minutes
Session fun rating: 8/10

This card is aggravating
I really like this game so far.  I am thinking of buying the 2012 version once PS+ expires and I lose access to this one.  I played quite a few campaign matches and unlocked a bunch of strong White cards.  I also did one challenge mission which was kind of cool.  It's basically a scenario mode.  In this case, I had one turn to kill a dude that had four Craw Wurms and a bunch of other shit on the table and I had to kill him by putting on two +3/+3 enchants on a double strike flying creature.  It took me a few attempts because the game gives you a lot of options but every time, I was missing a bit of damage to kill him off until I figured it out.

I also played three online matches and won two of them by using my White deck.  That deck is very strong early on in the match so I managed to win before the other guy had time to really start putting strong cards on the table.  The third match I lost to a Black player because he used a smart combination of discard spells and damage over time.