July 2, 2011

Uncharted 3 Beta

Date played: July 1st
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 15 minutes
Session fun rating: 7/10

This segment is cool and unique
I got into the beta for Uncharted 3's multiplayer thanks to Playstation Plus.  I had tried the multiplayer in the second game and found it interesting but it never hooked me.  This one is similar and seems interesting at the very least.

The game is set up like any other shooter out there with leveling up and equipment customization.  I played one match in a map that starts with some players riding trucks and others riding a plane that is taking off.  It was really cool to fight dudes that are jumping from truck to truck.

Then we moved on to the map proper.  I managed to get a 1.00 kill to death ratio, pretty good for a first timer.  I was using a burst rifle which I liked better than the AK-47.  The game looks good, plays well and has some unique features like a little live cam of other matches while you wait to join one yourself.  It's still in beta too so it has a lot of potential.  I will definitely spend more time with it.