July 14, 2011

Dirt 3

This car is fucking fast
Date played: July 13th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 25 minutes
Session fun rating: 8/10

I tried to play through a Trailblazer event last night but it was more difficult than expected.  The event wasn't that hard but I had to restart multiple times because I was watching my daughter play.  At 14 months old, she gets into trouble all the time, spilling drinks, throwing controllers and going up the stairs so I had to pause the game all the time.  This is not normally a problem but Trailblazer is so fast that when I resumed playing, I would often crash or lose control of the car.

I did eventually win the event though.  I was driving a Rockstar energy flavored Suzuki which is actually very easy to handle for a car with that kind of power.