July 28, 2011

Call of Duty Black Ops

Bilingualism is great
Date played: July 27th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 45 minutes
Session fun rating: 7/10

I played about five or six matches of Team Deathmatch today.  I was pretty good but I was also kind of bored.  In the lobby I was playing in, there was a group of French people.  I speak French of course and it's always interesting to hear other francophones in online games.  They sometimes make comments that they think no one else understands.

For example, at one point I was playing on Discovery and was using my trusty M60 as usual.  It has a very distinctive and loud sound.  One of the francophones commented that my M60 was annoying as hell to hear but at least I was getting a lot of kills.  I didn't have my microphone plugged in but I kind of wish I could respond.