July 13, 2011

Call of Duty Black Ops

Date played: July 11th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 40 minutes
Session fun rating: 9/10

I played again with my friend's brother and that little fucker is really good.  I guess I'm getting old.  We completely dominated together and I think that my mighty M60's suppressing fire helped him rack up kills.

Ignorant parents = Fucktard children
I don't think I'll get the map pack, it's too expensive for little reward.  Actually, I kind of wish that publishers started selling single player and multiplayer separately for some games.  I always thought Bungie would have been the first to do this with Halo multiplayer but it never happened.  I wonder which company will do this first?

I also had to mute every fucking kid in the room.  It's disturbing how many young children play this game.  Not only are they spouting obscenities, racial slurs, insults and even shitty music, they are also playing an extremely violent game.  I'm not saying they shouldn't play those games at all but I bet their parents have no idea what they are playing.  Worse yet, I don't think they ever hear what their children are saying when protected by the anonymity of the internet.