July 8, 2011

Call of Duty Black Ops

Date played: July 7th
Elite seems pointless so far
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 45 minutes
Session fun rating: 8/10

Meh, nothing special to report really.  I was on the verge of popping in Halo Reach but my PS3 was on already and the BLOPS disc was ready to go so I just played that.  I messed around with the M16 again and I like it on maps that have a lot of mid range combat.  It gets tougher to use at a distance and is a little slow in close battles.

I then went back to my trusty M60.  I did all right but I was distracted because I was chatting with my girlfriend at the same time so my heart wasn't really into it.  I really have CoD fatigue but I don't have anything better to play for online shooting.  I really should give Bad Company 2 another shot but I have it on PC and that means mouse+keyboard and sitting at a desk.  I am so lazy.  Also, this Call of Duty Elite thing sounds stupid and insulting.  I already spend enough money on this stupid game every year, don't ask for more Activision.