July 14, 2011

Uncharted 3 Beta

Date played: July 14th and 15th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 80 minutes
Session fun rating: 9\10

I was in the mood for some online shooting but I really need to step away from Black Ops for a bit so I booted up the Uncharted 3 online beta again.  I'm not sure if it was available before but it seems like there are a lot more game modes now.  I almost played co-op but I decided to play that later and just get some deathmatch going.

I did better than the first time I played.  We played on two maps I hadn't played before, including a cool looking castle manor or something.  I had a positive k/d ratio in every game and we won most of our games.  I like this game but there are some little problems.  I don't like how it doesn't use the CoD control standard.  For example, the square button is not reload, it's melee.  That means that on multiple occasions, I was hiding behing cover, fighting dudes then I try to reload, I press square and my dude gets up, swings his fists in the air and then gets shot.
The maps are great so far

Switching weapons is weird too.  I can change weapons by pressing the arrow keys but then a menu appears and I have to pick the weapon I want.  Then the other option is to change weapons by pressing triangle which would be nice normally.  However, in this case, you have to be aiming for this to work.  Close quarters battles are weird too, they just feel off.  I then increased the sensitivity of the aiming a few notches and I find it much better now.

I did have a good time and I love the long range combat.  At one point, I took down four guys in a row that were hiding in a giant tower because I was far away and they couldn't spot me fast enough.  That map was fucking awesome.