July 12, 2011

Call of Duty Black Ops

Date played: July 11th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 30 minutes
Session fun rating: 8/10

PC gaming, it looks fun!

I did pretty well today, playing Team Deathmatch and using my old friend, the M60.  It seems like I always do better when I slow down and protect my back.  Even when we lost, I did well, taking down aircraft and having a positive K\D ratio.

I think I'm tired of this game though.  I need some good competitive online gaming on a regular basis and CoD is pretty much the best option right now.  I always have the option of playing Bad Company 2 on PC but it's a bit more trouble as I have to move my laptop, get my keyboard and move away from my comfortable couch.  Then there is Killzone 3 that looks great but it's still expensive.  When playing Wipeout HD, it's sometimes difficult to find a game and when I do, it takes a while before the game actually starts.  Magic The Gathering is fun but slow.  Maybe I just need to pick a single player game and stick with it.  Shit, I don't know.