July 3, 2011

Afro Samurai

Afro is so fucking cool
Date played: July 1st and 2nd
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 210 minutes
Session fun rating: 7/10

This is definitely not a great game but it has some pretty good elements.  I played through probably half the game in two days, I'm really running through this simple game.  It follows the story of the anime pretty closely and while I enjoyed the anime, it loses some of it's charm when the voice acting isn't as good (although Sam Jackson is still amazing) and you spend most of your time chopping up dudes.

The combat system is actually pretty good overall with a strong parry system, strong focus attacks that let you slice up dudes in one shot and some nice throws and executions.  The rest of the game isn't so great.  Platforming is rough and level design is poor.  I got stuck a few times because I went to the wrong section.

I'm glad I'm playing it but only because I'm an Afro Samurai fan and because of the fucking fantastic music, some of it by The RZA.  There was also a really cool mid-air fight that looked great and played well enough.