July 6, 2011

Call of Duty Black Ops

Date played: July 5th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 45 minutes
Session fun rating: 8/10

Well, I don't know why but I tried something different today, the M16.  I felt like I was losing battles that I shouldn't be losing with my M60.  I think it was because I was a bit tired and I was spraying a little bit too much.  I decided to limit myself to something that couldn't be sprayed and my solution was the M16 with it's burst fire.

I also decided to go a bit stealthy with it,  I had a silencer, Ninja, Ghost and Warlord (for extended mags).  I was surprisingly successful.  I managed to be sort of sneaky and could still react quickly to attacks.  The M16 is definitely strong and accurate.  The only thing I miss is Sleight of Hand Pro for the faster ADS.  I had one game I scored 19-2 with the M16 so maybe I'll try it some more.