July 11, 2011

Afro Samurai

Date played: July 10th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 120 minutes
Session fun rating: 6/10

Well, I've finished Afro Samurai and I have to say, for $4.99, it was definitely worth the money but I'm not exactly sure it was worth my time.

Badass motherfucker indeed
I played through a chapter that had me fighting some ninja dude that wears a stuffed bear mask.  He was weird but the fight was kind of boring and the environment was ugly as fuck.  I then killed off a the remaining brothers in a level that had a lot of platforming.  One of the fights was quite frustrating as I didn't really know how to reflect bullets properly.  It took me about four attempts before I understood it.  The trick was activating focus mode AFTER the shot was fired, not before.

Then there was the last boss which was a three stage fight with some cool mechanics.  The boss kind of digs his arms into the ground to attack Afro.  I beat him after three attempts as it took me a few minutes to get the attack timing right.  Also, I discovered that there was a combo database when I pressed select by accident.  I guess it wasn't a crucial part of the experience...

On a closing note, this game doesn't have trophies...boooooo!