July 30, 2011

Call of Duty Black Ops

Date played: July 29th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 45 minutes
Session fun rating: 6/10

Bah, I have nothing to say so here is a picture of a gorilla attacking a tiger.

July 29, 2011

Killzone 3

Date played: July 28th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 60 minutes
Session fun rating: 9/10

Here's another game my friend wanted to see.  I played through two levels I think, one was in a scrapyard of sorts where I picked up an AMAZING weapon, the bolt gun.  It shoots explosive bolts at high speeds and long distances.  It then pins enemies to whatever is behind them.  It's powerful, satisfying and violent.  The next level was aboard a giant mobile factory.  Again, the bolt gun was very useful.  It is very effective against jet pack enemies.  I honestly didn't see a reason to use another weapon.
The bolt gun is so much fun!

The mobile factory was very impressive visually as it was slowly moving through the landscape as I was navigating through it.  I have a feeling this game will be over soon.  Too bad because it's very good.

Pac-Man Championship Edition DX

Power Pellets!
Date played: July 28th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 5 minutes
Session fun rating: 8/10

My friend was visiting and he saw this on my list of games when we were listening to music and wanted to see it so I played one five minutes round.  He was impressed with my skills apparently!  I didn't beat my high score but I was pretty close.

It's tough to get a big train of ghosts sometimes because I am forced to eat a power pellet to complete that part of the maze.  Maybe I'll try eating the pellet but not eating the ghosts until the next power pellet.  Risky but could be worth it.

July 28, 2011

Dirt 3

Date played: July 27th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 50 minutes
Session fun rating: 9/10

I played through all the events in seasons 1, 2 and 3 that had events in Monte Carlo, the DLC pack.  Most of them were very easy but the tracks are narrow and easy to crash in.  I also played through a good chunk of the Winter X Games events.  They were all in the snow, surprise surprise!  I tried out one of the DLC cars, the Peugeot 205 Class B and boy, that thing is a fucking beast.  It's fast, agile, compact and fun to drive.  This is the best car from the DLC so far.
This thing is a BEAST

There was apparently another DLC pack that came out but I haven't looked at it yet, I hope it's good!

Call of Duty Black Ops

Bilingualism is great
Date played: July 27th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 45 minutes
Session fun rating: 7/10

I played about five or six matches of Team Deathmatch today.  I was pretty good but I was also kind of bored.  In the lobby I was playing in, there was a group of French people.  I speak French of course and it's always interesting to hear other francophones in online games.  They sometimes make comments that they think no one else understands.

For example, at one point I was playing on Discovery and was using my trusty M60 as usual.  It has a very distinctive and loud sound.  One of the francophones commented that my M60 was annoying as hell to hear but at least I was getting a lot of kills.  I didn't have my microphone plugged in but I kind of wish I could respond.

July 25, 2011

Donkey Kong Country Returns

Date played: July 24th
Platform: Wii
Time played:  100 minutes
Session fun rating: 9/10

After playing a bit of NSMBW, I was in the mood for some more platforming so I popped in DKCR and beat the entire 6th world, themed around dinosaurs and desert-like environments.  These were some of the best levels in the game so far.  There was a mine cart level that stood out to me because I had to ride the cart inside a giant rolling egg.  It's some of the best level design I've seen in a platformer, on par with games like Super Mario World.

This game is begging for hand drawn art
The 6-k level was tough but not super frustrating, it was more about pattern recognition than reflexes.  I also liked the boss, a cool four legged dinosaur with a horn and some hardcore flame throwing abilities.  He wasn't very hard but he was definitely interesting.  On to World 7!

Killzone 3

Date played: July 24th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 85 minutes
Session fun rating: 9/10

I'm very satisfied with Killzone 3 so far.  The only complaint I have is that there are a few too many rail sequences but outside of that, it's a great fucking shooter.  I went through the part that was in the demo which was pretty easy since I knew what to expect.  I also disguised myself and Rico as Helghast, went through one of their factories and saved Narville right in the bad guy's face.  Then we fought our way through the complex.  There was a crazy energy weapon that makes people explode from the inside involved and I must say that it was pretty fucking awesome.  Blood and guts, you know.

Everyone loves jetpacks.  Right?
The last part I played was a driving sequence that honestly kind of sucked.  I was driving some sort of cool ice breaking vehicle while shooting down enemy ice breaking thingies and dropships.  It seems like this game won't be very long and I kind of like that, gives me more time to play other good games.

Oh yeah, there was a jetpack also which was one of the cooler jetpacks I've played with in a video game.

New Super Mario Bros Wii

I love these idiots
Date played: July 24th
Platform: Wii
Time played: 45 minutes
Session fun rating: 8/10

I played about a world's worth of NSMBW in co-op with my girlfriend.  I'm not really sure why we stopped playing (it might have been Kirby) but we had lots of fun playing it.

We killed Morton (I think) and beat the first part of Ludwig, two of Bowser's kids and just kind of did a couple of levels.  I realized that we sort of skipped a large part of World 4 and all of World 5 for some reason.  I think it's a cannon shortcut or something.  We are going to go back and finish those levels before we move on with World 7.

July 24, 2011


The art style works
Date played: July 23rd
Platform: Xbox 360
Time played: 60 minutes
Session fun rating: 8/10

Bastion is the first game I play on Xbox since...Halo Reach?  Part of the summer of arcade promotion, it's an action RPG with a great art style and some cool weapons.

I played through the first three or four levels.  It's hard to describe this game...  I mean, it's a little man walking around on platforms that build themselves in front of him.  He then fights enemies with hammers, bows, repeaters and other weapons.  My favorite combination so far is a repeater and a machete.  It's fast and efficient.  There are so many layers to this game.  I mean, you can add enhancements to your weapons, equip drinks to give you perks, select different types of magic, etc.

This is all brought together by the narrator.  It's pretty rare that games have prominent narrators, let alone good ones but Bastion pulls it off.  The guy is cool, funny and has a LOT of shit to say.  I can't wait to play more of this game.


Date played: July 23rd
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 30 minutes
Session fun rating: 8/10

I saw this for 10$ when I was shopping for some clothes and since I had loved the demo when it first came out and I also enjoyed Split/Second which was made by the same team, I decided to buy it.
SSX on wheels

This is basically SSX on four wheels.  ATV's race, jump, trick and boost their way to the finish line!
i played through the first four events and won all of them without any problems.  I built my own ATV from scratch, selecting parts and colors.  That was a cool feature.

The format of the game is pretty much this: ride, jump, trick, ride, bigger jump, bigger trick, ride, giant jump, impossible trick, boost like a madman.  It works and is fun to play.

Call of Duty Black Ops

I felt like this beautiful kid
Date played: July 23rd
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 30 minutes
Session fun rating: 10/10

Fuck yeah I was amazing at Black Ops today.  I was going to play Killzone 3 but I felt like winning so I went back to good old reliable Call of Duty.  I slaughtered a bunch of guys in Array, scoring a nice 20-5 and did good on Summit with something like 16-6.

It feels good to be back on top.

Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 2

Naruto has striking visuals
Date played: July 23rd
Platform: Xbox 360
Time played: 15 minutes
Session fun rating: 7/10

I turned on my Xbox for the first time in a long while to check out Bastion and while I was cleaning up the hard drive I found this demo that I had downloaded but never tried.  I don't know anything about Naruto but I still had fun.  This is 3D fighting game, similar to things like Power Stone or Dissidia.  I played through the demo which is two fights against the same guy.

It's a simple fighting system but it incorporates elements of boss battle design and quick time events.  If there's one thing that struck me about this game, it's how amazing it looks.  The game looks better than many anime shows or movies and it animates better than most.  I wouldn't buy it but it was still enjoyable.

July 22, 2011

Pac-Man Championship Edition DX

Yay trophies!
Date played: July 22nd
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 10 minutes
Session fun rating: 7/10

I had a quick ten minute period with nothing to do so I played a 10 minute run of the third maze.  It went pretty well but this one had some very specific paths to follow and if I went off track, it really screwed my score.  I'm pretty close to getting all the trophies in this game, they are pretty easy.  This would be my third game with 100% completion!  Yippee!

Killzone 3

Date played: July 21st
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 120 minutes
Session fun rating: 9/10

I played about an hour of online and an hour of the campaign last night.  I'm starting to get a better grip on the online mode and I like it but I find the LMG to be a little bit too inaccurate for the range I use it for.  Even at mid range, I miss more than I feel like I should.  Maybe a different weapon would work, I'll find out next time I guess.  I also unlocked the better turret and I've been getting a decent amount of kills with it.  It seems like a lot of players place them at the base and forget about them.  I've been putting them in more offensive positions and while it's risky and they do get destroyed quite a bit, they also help us win.

I played on a couple of different maps, all of them pretty cool.  I also started playing a mode where the objective changes randomly throughout the match.  It actually makes things really interesting and I wish more shooters would do that.

Then I played some of the campaign and let me tell you, this has got to be the best looking game on consoles. People complain about games like this, saying they are brown, grey or bland.  Killzone 3 is not one of these.  It's bursting with color and personality.  I played through a sniping section, killed some flamethrower wielding dudes, piloted a giant mech, sneaked around a Helghan forest and defended an ISA base camp.

The mech sequence was one of the coolest I've played in a while.  You get to control a giant mech that is easy to control, fast and responsive.  It shoots rockets and has a machine gun.  Sev (the main character) makes his way to his target while shooting tanks and enemy troops.  The reason I like this sequence so much is because of the look and feel.  There are fucking gigantic robots shooting mortars in the distance while you're blowing shit up.  It was amazing.  Then there was a stealth mission in a jungle full of alien creatures and plants.

This game rocks.

San Francisco Rush Extreme Racing

Ugly but fun
Date played: July 21st
Platform: Nintendo 64
Time played: 10 minutes
Session fun rating: 7/10

Urgh.... this game is uglier than I remember.  I did play Rush on Dreamcast not too long ago and it's surprising how much worse this version looks.  It's truly awful, it looks worse than even the ugliest 3D DS games.  Thankfully, it's still a lot of fun.  I played through a couple of races, crashed a lot and placed 7th and 5th.

This would be a great series to revive today.  Burnout needs some competition and nothing really has had the amazing shortcuts and insane jumps of the Rush series.  It would be even better online!

NFL Blitz 2000

Those litte tips aren't very helpful
Date played: July 21st
Platform: Dreamcast
Time played: 10 minutes
Session fun rating: 2/10

It was really fucking hot outside yesterday and while I have central air, I did escape to my basement for a bit to cool off even more.  I decided to try out NFL Blitz 2000, a game I had a good experience with when I was younger but also haven't played since.

This game is old.  It looks decent I guess but it plays and is presented like an arcade game, which it was originally.  I couldn't figure out all the controls but I played three quarters without a touchdown before deciding that it was enough.  I should have looked up an instruction manual first or something.

July 21, 2011

Dirt 3

Date played: July 20th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 110 minutes
Session fun rating: 9/10

I played through a good amount of events in the third season including almost every event type in the game.  I've noticed that the events are longer and longer as I progress through the career, I like it.  Rally X is four races now, Rally is at least three stages and Head 2 Head is three races.  I made an amazing recovery in Rally X with a Subaru Impreza WRX STI.

On another note, I spent some money on some overpriced DLC, specifically, the Mud and Guts car pack, the Power and Glory car pack and the Monte Carlo track pack.  The car packs are 5.99$ each for five cars each and the track pack is 9.99$ for eight tracks.  The problem with that stuff is that the cars are stuck in specific event types so if I always play Rally X in split screen for example, I'm never going to see more than two of those ten new cars.

Monte Carlo features very narrow tracks and tight corners
It's fine though, I love this game and I wanted more cars to play with and more events to play in and it will probably stop me from spending money on the CoD map packs.  The Monte Carlo track I played on was pretty cool actually, featuring really tight corners and narrow roads.  I also tried out the Lancia Delta in a Rally event but I didn't like it that much, it felt like it was too easy to over steer with it.  I hope the other cars I spent money on are better.

Pac-Man Championship Edition DX

Truth in advertising
Date played: July 20th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 10 minutes
Session fun rating: 7/10

I did the second maze's 10 minutes challenge and I found out that I'm not a big fan of it.  That maze has a weird layout that confused me on multiple occasions and I kind of lost my momentum a lot.  I did have one amazing ghost eating combo, I must have eaten fifty ghosts in fifteen seconds.

I think it's worth mentioning that Pac-Man on 2600 was one of the first video games in my life.  My grandmother lived across the street from us and she had an Atari 2600.  She played games like Berserk, Popeye and Pac-Man on it.  I clearly remember playing some Pac-Man with her when I must have been around 3 or 4 years old.  This is where my love of video games was born honestly.  Many people say that the 2600 version of the game is bad but to me, it was the most amazing thing in the world.  It also turned into my favorite hobby.  For that, thanks Grandma.

July 20, 2011

Killzone 3

Date played: July 19th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 25 minutes
Session fun rating: 8/10

Engineer seems to fit my play style so far
I played some multiplayer Killzone 3 today and I enjoyed myself.  I only played two matches but it gave me a good idea of what to expect from this aspect of the game.  The first match was Team Deathmatch with small teams, about 3 on each side.  It was a map with a lot of snow which reduced visibility quite a bit.  I was using the engineer class because it was the only one with an LMG, my weapon class of choice in all first person shooters.  I did pretty well for a low level noob, getting something like 5-8.

The next map was way more interesting.  It was a much larger level and there were many more players, probably at least six on each side.  There were turrets all over the place (including mine that I had just unlocked!), flying sentry drones, invisible players, armored players and even a few snipers.  I did decent again at about 6-10 but I know I can do better.  

The game is really interesting in multiplayer and I can't wait to try out some objective modes.

July 18, 2011

Golden Sun Dark Dawn

Djinn, the only unique part of this game
Date played: July 17th
Platform: DS
Time played: 40 minutes
Session fun rating: 5/10

Well, after all this split-screen fun stuff, I lost power in the house due to a nasty storm and before going to bed, I wanted to get a bit more gaming going so I played some Golden Sun.  I mostly solved some puzzles involving raising and lowering water levels (again), got a new water Djinn and completed the Ayuthay area.

It was kind of boring honestly but it was good old fashioned pointless fun.

Dirt 3

Date played: July 17th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 45 minutes
Session fun rating: 10/10

What an amazing time I had with my brother.  We're both pretty good at racing games and had some amazingly close races.  There was one in particular where we were neck and neck the whole time, both driving Audi's and he overtook me at the last second of the race to win.
My weapon of choice

We also had some cool rally races going, including this one where he tumbled like a madman and managed to recover!  I beat him with my careful driving but I was certainly not as fucking spectacular.  This is starting to feel like my favorite racing game of this generation, with Wipeout HD and Blur competing for the same title.

Call of Duty Black Ops

The FN FAL, my brother's weapon of choice
Date played: July 18th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 30 minutes
Session fun rating: 7/10

I played some online split-screen with my brother.  We both did average at best but we were distracted by the conversations we were having at the time.  He uses the FN FAL, a semi-automatic weapon.  While I'm usually not a fan of these, he was surprisingly good with it.

I am still debating getting the map pack.  He says it's pretty good but for me, it seems like a lot of money for four maps.  Maybe I'll crack soon and get it but I'm still not sure.

July 17, 2011

Killzone 3

Date played: July 16th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 60 minutes
Session fun rating: 9/10

Well, I decided to buy Killzone 3.  I had liked the second game's campaign so I figured that I couldn't really go wrong with this one.  I also thought that maybe, the multiplayer could replace Call of Duty for me, at least for a little while.

I played through about an hour of the campaign and holy shit, there was a lot of action.  I did weapons testing in a Helghast ship, I silently slit some Helghast throats, I escorted a convoy, I watched two giant exoskeletons fight to the death (FUCKING AWESOME), I shot dudes with a shotgun pistol and I sniped some orange-eyed motherfuckers in the face.

So far, I'm really liking this game.  One thing that I need to point out is that this is easily one of the best looking games ever made.  I mean, yes it's grey and brown but holy shit, it's a beautiful grey and brown.  The lighting effects in particular are breathtaking.  I can't wait to play more of it!


Stupid sand worm
Date played: July 16th and 17th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 60 minutes
Session fun rating: 8/10

I spent most of my time trying to get past a stupid fucking sand worm that would eat me when I was in the sand.  I had to time my travel between wooden platforms perfectly and I just didn't know when I was safe and when I wasn't so I died about a dozen times before getting through.  That part sucked.

Then I went through a few areas of the Ashlands, fought some bad guys and picked up a giant cannon that shot pipe bombs.  That was cool.  Then I got Epona Ruin, War's trusty steed, by beating some demon who had stolen it.  He controls weird but War is much more powerful when riding it.  It also helped me beat those fucking worms finally.  I also beat the Stygian, a giant sand worm that is king of all sand worms.  It was a cool fight and after delivering it's heart to the big demon dude, I was informed that the next step was taking down a giant spider that lives past the Ashlands.

Pac-Man Championship Edition DX

Unfortunately, this is not one of the visual styles
Date played: July 16th and 17th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 30 minutes
Session fun rating: 8/10

I had a few minutes to kill so I booted up Pac-Man and spent most of my time playing Time Trial in the first map.  Time trials are cool because they feel more like a puzzle than the regular game.  Essentially, it's not about points at all but just how fast you can collect a certain amount of fruit.  That means you have to take the most efficient route and gather as few ghosts as possible in your train.

I enjoyed it and will definitely play that mode in the other maps.  I also played one 10 minutes round of Championship II and got a nice trophy for it.

Ghost Recon Shadow Wars

Ghost Recon is the best 3DS game in my opinion
Date played: July 15th
Platform: 3DS
Time played: 50 minutes
Session fun rating: 9/10

I played through two missions in bed.  The first one was a defensive mission with only four ghosts.  I picked the engineer, the gunner, the medic and the ghost.  After having played the mission, I think I should have replaced the ghost with the sniper or assault because she wasn't very useful.

The turret did most of the work and the gunner guarded the areas that weren't covered by the turret.  It was pretty easy honestly.  The next mission was a bit longer and I almost failed it because I wasn't careful with my sniper.  Basically, Mink, the engineer, had to go diffuse four missiles and a bunker.  The rest of the team had to clear the way and stop any enemy engineers from reaching the missiles to launch them.  It was pretty straight forward but I kept my sniper in the back to take potshots and I wasn't careful enough with my positioning.  He almost got killed and I had to use the reanimate command power to save the match.

July 15, 2011


The Ashlands
Date played: July 15th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 60 minutes
Session fun rating: 8/10

I haven't played this game in a long time so it took me a few minutes to re-learn the controls but I got back into it pretty quickly.  The last time I played, I stopped when I was approaching a new area, Ashlands.  The first thing I encountered was a giant, ugly sand worm that ate me on multiple occasions when trying to cross a patch of desert.

I had forgotten about the time stopping mechanic hence why I was getting gobbled up by the worm repeatedly.  Once I remembered how to stop time, it was smooth sailing.  I killed some baddies, climbed some towers and blew up some barriers.  There were a couple of puzzles with the time mechanic which were pretty cool honestly.

July 14, 2011

Uncharted 3 Beta

Date played: July 14th and 15th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 80 minutes
Session fun rating: 9\10

I was in the mood for some online shooting but I really need to step away from Black Ops for a bit so I booted up the Uncharted 3 online beta again.  I'm not sure if it was available before but it seems like there are a lot more game modes now.  I almost played co-op but I decided to play that later and just get some deathmatch going.

I did better than the first time I played.  We played on two maps I hadn't played before, including a cool looking castle manor or something.  I had a positive k/d ratio in every game and we won most of our games.  I like this game but there are some little problems.  I don't like how it doesn't use the CoD control standard.  For example, the square button is not reload, it's melee.  That means that on multiple occasions, I was hiding behing cover, fighting dudes then I try to reload, I press square and my dude gets up, swings his fists in the air and then gets shot.
The maps are great so far

Switching weapons is weird too.  I can change weapons by pressing the arrow keys but then a menu appears and I have to pick the weapon I want.  Then the other option is to change weapons by pressing triangle which would be nice normally.  However, in this case, you have to be aiming for this to work.  Close quarters battles are weird too, they just feel off.  I then increased the sensitivity of the aiming a few notches and I find it much better now.

I did have a good time and I love the long range combat.  At one point, I took down four guys in a row that were hiding in a giant tower because I was far away and they couldn't spot me fast enough.  That map was fucking awesome.

Dirt 3

This car is fucking fast
Date played: July 13th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 25 minutes
Session fun rating: 8/10

I tried to play through a Trailblazer event last night but it was more difficult than expected.  The event wasn't that hard but I had to restart multiple times because I was watching my daughter play.  At 14 months old, she gets into trouble all the time, spilling drinks, throwing controllers and going up the stairs so I had to pause the game all the time.  This is not normally a problem but Trailblazer is so fast that when I resumed playing, I would often crash or lose control of the car.

I did eventually win the event though.  I was driving a Rockstar energy flavored Suzuki which is actually very easy to handle for a car with that kind of power.

July 13, 2011

Pac-Man Championship Edition DX

Date played: July 12th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 45 minutes
Session fun rating: 10/10

PSN has a little sale going on right now where a bunch of pretty good games are discounted.  The only game that I saw as a must-buy is Pac-Man Championship Edition DX.  I have the first game on Xbox 360 and I loved it.  This one is even better, faster, prettier and crazier!

The concept is to play Pac-Man and get the highest possible score within a certain time limit, the default being 5 minutes.  It's a really cool idea and it works just as well in this game as it did in the first.  The big new addition here is that there are sleeping ghosts sitting inside the mazes that will chase you if you get too close.  You might think that waking up ghosts is bad right?  Wrong.  The trick here is to gather a "train" of ghosts chasing Pac-Man for as long as possible before eating a power pellet.  Then the magic happens.  I grab a power pellet, I turn around and bulldoze through the train of ghosts!  The sounds and visuals go crazy and it just feels fucking good.
The best Pac-Man game ever made

I actually scored higher on my first run than on my second.  Then I played some different maps and modes including one that is played in the dark.  It's difficult to navigate a maze when you don't see it.  Also, I actually unlocked about five trophies after my first five minute game then got a few more as I tried new modes, yay!

Call of Duty Black Ops

Date played: July 11th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 40 minutes
Session fun rating: 9/10

I played again with my friend's brother and that little fucker is really good.  I guess I'm getting old.  We completely dominated together and I think that my mighty M60's suppressing fire helped him rack up kills.

Ignorant parents = Fucktard children
I don't think I'll get the map pack, it's too expensive for little reward.  Actually, I kind of wish that publishers started selling single player and multiplayer separately for some games.  I always thought Bungie would have been the first to do this with Halo multiplayer but it never happened.  I wonder which company will do this first?

I also had to mute every fucking kid in the room.  It's disturbing how many young children play this game.  Not only are they spouting obscenities, racial slurs, insults and even shitty music, they are also playing an extremely violent game.  I'm not saying they shouldn't play those games at all but I bet their parents have no idea what they are playing.  Worse yet, I don't think they ever hear what their children are saying when protected by the anonymity of the internet.

Magic The Gathering Duels of the Planeswalkers 2012 demo

Date played: July 12th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 45 minutes
Session fun rating: 8/10

Since PSN+ is expiring soon, I decided to try out the 2012 version to see if I should buy it or not.  There were a lot of changes done and since I played the original yesterday, it was still fresh in my mind.  First, the interface is mostly much better.  Everything flows better and looks better.  The only problem is that the text is now smaller and even on a 47" TV, it's somewhat hard to see.

Three VS One
There are three decks to play with in the demo.  The first is White and focuses on using equipment and cards that have benefits when equipped.  Equipment was not in the first game so it makes things a bit more interesting.  The second deck is Green and has a lot of big creatures with trample.  The third is Red but I haven't tried it yet.  I played the two regular battles included in the demo and while I lost once, I won the next two times.  I definitely preferred the White deck because it's fast and versatile.  The equipment is very powerful.

Then I played another mode where it's a 3 vs 1 battle.  While it was fun, we lost three times in a row.  The one person team gets a huge advantage because they have more health and can play "opportunity" cards.  These have unique effects, don't cost any mana and can be played every turn.  It seems like a fun mode but so far, it was unfair and too difficult to win.  I might buy this but I'm not sure yet.

July 12, 2011

Magic The Gathering Duels of the Planeswalkers

Date played: July 11th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 120 minutes
Session fun rating: 9/10

I've unlocked all the cards in the White deck cards and completed the campaign.  I got a nice silver trophy out of it!  The campaign wasn't anything really special and it's a lot more fun to play online.  I didn't realize that I could unlock cards by playing online.  If I had known this, I would have skipped the campaign and played online only.
Ajani is so cool... too bad he has a deck with mixed colors

I then went online to play but it's been tough finding matches.  I wanted to try a three or four player match but I couldn't find a lobby and even when I created a lobby, I could only muster one person to join me.  I did manage to find some two player matches and I won about as much as I lost.  In one of the games, I had an amazing war of attrition against another White player where we started with 20 lives each and at one point, I had 63 lives and he had 55.  I then managed to take him down with some enchanted flying creatures and having three life generating artifacts on the table.  In the end, I had about 38 lives when I won.  So fucking epic.

Call of Duty Black Ops

Date played: July 11th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 30 minutes
Session fun rating: 8/10

PC gaming, it looks fun!

I did pretty well today, playing Team Deathmatch and using my old friend, the M60.  It seems like I always do better when I slow down and protect my back.  Even when we lost, I did well, taking down aircraft and having a positive K\D ratio.

I think I'm tired of this game though.  I need some good competitive online gaming on a regular basis and CoD is pretty much the best option right now.  I always have the option of playing Bad Company 2 on PC but it's a bit more trouble as I have to move my laptop, get my keyboard and move away from my comfortable couch.  Then there is Killzone 3 that looks great but it's still expensive.  When playing Wipeout HD, it's sometimes difficult to find a game and when I do, it takes a while before the game actually starts.  Magic The Gathering is fun but slow.  Maybe I just need to pick a single player game and stick with it.  Shit, I don't know.

July 11, 2011

Afro Samurai

Date played: July 10th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 120 minutes
Session fun rating: 6/10

Well, I've finished Afro Samurai and I have to say, for $4.99, it was definitely worth the money but I'm not exactly sure it was worth my time.

Badass motherfucker indeed
I played through a chapter that had me fighting some ninja dude that wears a stuffed bear mask.  He was weird but the fight was kind of boring and the environment was ugly as fuck.  I then killed off a the remaining brothers in a level that had a lot of platforming.  One of the fights was quite frustrating as I didn't really know how to reflect bullets properly.  It took me about four attempts before I understood it.  The trick was activating focus mode AFTER the shot was fired, not before.

Then there was the last boss which was a three stage fight with some cool mechanics.  The boss kind of digs his arms into the ground to attack Afro.  I beat him after three attempts as it took me a few minutes to get the attack timing right.  Also, I discovered that there was a combo database when I pressed select by accident.  I guess it wasn't a crucial part of the experience...

On a closing note, this game doesn't have trophies...boooooo!

July 10, 2011

Dirt 3

Date played: July 9th and 10th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 140 minutes
Session fun rating: 9/10

I did a bunch of Dirt Tour races today.  Stadium buggies, Rally Cross, Trailblazer, regular ass Rally and even two Gymkhana events.  I am not having any problems winning the Gymkhana events but I'm not going to break any records anytime soon.

I don't really like the stadium buggies this time around, I find that their handling is a little bit too loose compared to Dirt 2.  As you can see here, Stadium Buggies are not very stable.  I also did a Trailblazer event where I pushed a Tacoma a little too hard and it resulted in thisthis and this amazing little piece of risky racing

Kenya is my favorite track location
Also, this is clearly one of the best looking games on consoles.  When I ran that Kenya race at night with the big floodlights lighting the way and the sexy moon lighting what's left, I had a sense of awe at the great feel of the graphics and the attention to detail.  I fucking love this series.

Assassin's Creed Brotherhood

Date played: July 9th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 20 minutes
Session fun rating: 7/10

I didn't play for long because I got invited to play Call of Duty but I did manage to play two quick story missions, destroyed two Borgia towers and found another segment of "The Truth".  The puzzles to unlock the Truth are pretty cool still but I had to get up closer to the TV for one of them because the image was too small.

I have also unlocked horses which can be called with a press of a button.  Taking a page from Red Dead Redemption's page is always a good idea.  The one thing that is pissing me off so far is the awful framerate.  I don't remember it being this bad in the first two games.  I wonder if this is specific to the PS3?

Wipeout HD/Fury

Date played: July 9th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 60 minutes
Session fun rating: 10/10

This should be a real sport damnit!
Wipeout HD is simply amazing when playing online.  I played a few single races but most of my time was spent in an eight race Flash class tournament.  I was the only non-Japanese person in the lobby but the game was still fast and lag free.

I actually had a real rival in this tournament and he won by a large margin.  He was always two or three seconds ahead of me that bastard!  I won one race but was second to that guy for the next seven races.  I also just realized that there are ranks in multiplayer and found out that I'm rank 14.  Interesting!

Ghost Recon Shadow Wars

Date played: July 9th
Platform: 3DS
Time played: 40 minutes
Session fun rating: 8/10

I completed one mission but I failed the first time.  I had over extended my gunner again and he got hit a little too hard.  I got it the second time without any problems though.  This game's objectives change throughout the mission and while that's cool, sometimes it makes it hard to succeed without knowing what's coming next.

This mission was about stopping a convoy from reaching a town and taking control of a bridge.  The twist is that only Mink, the engineer, can stop the convoy and can control the bridge so I had to have him escorted by the stealth character and sent the rest of the squad to kill the other enemies.

July 9, 2011

Bomberman Ultra

Classic but boring
Date played: July 9th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 5 minutes
Session fun rating: 2/10

Here is another free game from PS+.  While I love Bomberman when playing with friends, it's not the same when playing online.  I tried a quick match online and it took a few minutes to even find a lobby.  When I did, I was with just one person and I lost.  I didn't really enjoy my time and I just shut it off.  I'm sure it's a pretty good game but I think I've played enough Bomberman in the past to skip this one.

Duke Nukem Forever Demo

Thank God I didn't spend money on this bullshit
Date played: July 9th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 10 minutes
Session fun rating: 1/10

What the fuck is this abomination?  While I wasn't expecting much from this game, it was even worse than I imagined and didn't even finish the demo.  The graphics suck, the voice acting is bad and the game is just fucking boring.  Not to mention it's not even funny.

I killed a boss monster which was actually sort of fun but very simple.  Then I killed a few pig men and stopped playing.  DO NOT PLAY THIS GAME.

Call of Duty Black Ops

I did.
Date played: July 8th, 9th and 10th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 85 minutes
Session fun rating: 7/10

I did pretty well today, I slowed down and started crouching a bit more and I've been more successful.  I tried out Hardcore Team Deathmatch and I did pretty good.  People camp a bit more than usual but by being aggressive, I stayed on top of the leaderboard.

I also tried out the M16 again for a bit and while it's pretty good, I still prefer my trusty M60.  I also played a few matches with my friend's little brother and his guest.  It was cool and we mostly won.

July 8, 2011

Magic The Gathering Duels of the Planeswalkers

Date played: July 7th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 120 minutes
Session fun rating: 8/10

This card is aggravating
I really like this game so far.  I am thinking of buying the 2012 version once PS+ expires and I lose access to this one.  I played quite a few campaign matches and unlocked a bunch of strong White cards.  I also did one challenge mission which was kind of cool.  It's basically a scenario mode.  In this case, I had one turn to kill a dude that had four Craw Wurms and a bunch of other shit on the table and I had to kill him by putting on two +3/+3 enchants on a double strike flying creature.  It took me a few attempts because the game gives you a lot of options but every time, I was missing a bit of damage to kill him off until I figured it out.

I also played three online matches and won two of them by using my White deck.  That deck is very strong early on in the match so I managed to win before the other guy had time to really start putting strong cards on the table.  The third match I lost to a Black player because he used a smart combination of discard spells and damage over time.

Call of Duty Black Ops

Date played: July 7th
Elite seems pointless so far
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 45 minutes
Session fun rating: 8/10

Meh, nothing special to report really.  I was on the verge of popping in Halo Reach but my PS3 was on already and the BLOPS disc was ready to go so I just played that.  I messed around with the M16 again and I like it on maps that have a lot of mid range combat.  It gets tougher to use at a distance and is a little slow in close battles.

I then went back to my trusty M60.  I did all right but I was distracted because I was chatting with my girlfriend at the same time so my heart wasn't really into it.  I really have CoD fatigue but I don't have anything better to play for online shooting.  I really should give Bad Company 2 another shot but I have it on PC and that means mouse+keyboard and sitting at a desk.  I am so lazy.  Also, this Call of Duty Elite thing sounds stupid and insulting.  I already spend enough money on this stupid game every year, don't ask for more Activision.

July 7, 2011

Civilization V

Date played: July 6th
Platform: PC
Time played: 120 minutes
Session fun rating: 9/10

There is something I like to call comfort gaming.  I'm talking about games that I can always come back to and have a good time without having to dedicate my time to a story or career mode.  Some of these include Black Ops, Everyday Shooter, Audiosurf, Wipeout HD and Civilization V.

Civ V is so dangerous.  Playing for two hours felt like 10 minutes!  I actually trapped myself in a corner and capitulated in my first game.  I selected random settings so maybe I just got unlucky but basically, I didn't grow fast enough and when the Greeks declared war out of nowhere, I lost one of my three cities and was left with almost nothing so I decided to start over.
Samurais and Zeros sound awesome

The next game is going pretty well so far.  I'm using the Japanese and am playing on a very big map with 8 civilizations on board.  I have three cities close to valuable resources but there is a large desert that limits expansion in my starting area.  I have a feeling I have to grow big early to simply grab real estate without going to war.

Call of Duty Black Ops

Date played: July 6th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 45 minutes
Session fun rating: 7/10
I want to shoot a bullet sponge for a change

Back to my old habits of using the M60 all the time.  I did pretty well today going mostly positive in my matches.  I've been favoring counter-spy planes as my first killstreak recently and I feel that it gives me a slight advantage but mostly, it helps the whole team.

I had a really good game on Havana where I didn't have an amazing score but I had some epic battles with another M60 user and a sniper.  It's really fun when you get a chance to have a real firefight with someone in this game.  The weapons are so strong and the characters die so easily that you seldom get a chance to build a real rivalry with other players.  In Halo Reach for example, it's always easy to recognize enemy players by their behaviour because you spend more time fighting them head on.

This makes me want to try another online shooter.  I still have Bad Company 2 on my PC, I could try out all the changes to Team Fortress 2 or maybe I should get a brand new game...

July 6, 2011

Magic The Gathering Duels of the Planeswalkers

Fuck off Jace.  I hate Blue.
Date played: July 5th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 60 minutes
Session fun rating: 6/10

I played four matches.  The first was online against a random person and he had a Black deck with a bunch of special cards unlocked.  I was playing Red and he wore me down with artifacts and held me hostage with a bunch of creatures that regenerate.  He won easily.

Then I failed twice at beating a Blue deck in the campaign but once I changed to a White deck, I beat him easily.  I then lost the next match against a Black and Green deck and stopped playing.  This game is slow as hell, in the campaign it's really apparent.  I mean, there is a timer for almost every fucking little thing and too many animations so it plays kind of slowly.  I do like the game but when there is so much luck involved, it's difficult for me to enjoy a bad hand and slow play.

Call of Duty Black Ops

Date played: July 5th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 45 minutes
Session fun rating: 8/10

Well, I don't know why but I tried something different today, the M16.  I felt like I was losing battles that I shouldn't be losing with my M60.  I think it was because I was a bit tired and I was spraying a little bit too much.  I decided to limit myself to something that couldn't be sprayed and my solution was the M16 with it's burst fire.

I also decided to go a bit stealthy with it,  I had a silencer, Ninja, Ghost and Warlord (for extended mags).  I was surprisingly successful.  I managed to be sort of sneaky and could still react quickly to attacks.  The M16 is definitely strong and accurate.  The only thing I miss is Sleight of Hand Pro for the faster ADS.  I had one game I scored 19-2 with the M16 so maybe I'll try it some more.

July 5, 2011

Call of Duty Black Ops

Paul Robertson is my favorite pixel artist
Date played: July 4th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 60 minutes
Session fun rating: 5/10

Bah.  Same old shit.  Some dude got dogs so here's some topical Paul Robertson art.

July 4, 2011

Wipeout HD/Fury

Date played: July 3rd
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 20 minutes
Session fun rating: 7/10

Assegai, my old flame from Wipeout Pulse
I wanted to wash out the taste of bullets, soldiers and grenades with some sweet, sweet anti-gravity racing, thumping music and fast air craft.  As usual, I did ok but not amazing.  I was playing against some players that were a bit more experienced than usual in Rapier class.  While I had problems playing Rapier before, I did much better today and I think it's because I've been using Harimau instead of Assegai.  Assegai is fun to pilot but it's back end if a bit heavier than on the Harimau so it slides around more.

I also played something new for me online, Eliminator mode.  Basically, you just have to score as many points as possible by damaging and destroying other craft.  While it was fun, the match definitely dragged on too long but I did manage to finish second.  What's really cool about this mode is that you can turn around and go in the wrong direction of the track.  It made for some crazy battles with rockets, missiles and even reverse quakes.  Those are fucking awesome.