May 1, 2011

Golden Sun: Dark Dawn

Date played: April 30th
Platform: DS
Time played: 30 minutes
Session fun rating: 6/10

I explored the town of Passaj.  Apparently, I have to activate an Alchemy Forge to create a passage in the clouds to reach the next region.  To do that however, I need to go to another town that is the sworn enemy of Passaj to navigate a labyrinth or something.

Power bread.  Worth the 20 empty barrel searches.
I had to solve a little puzzle in the town which wasn't very complicated but looked pretty cool.  I also talked to a lot of folks who gave me good background info on the forge and the people who made it.  I still like the little encyclopedia that is built into the dialog system, it makes it easier to remember names of people and places.

Also, what the fuck is up with JRPG's and searching through stranger's pots, barrels and bookcases?  I do it because sometimes there are rewards but honestly, I must have searched through 20 barrels in Passaj just to get a message that says "This barrel is empty".  Just make it glow or something for fuck's sake.