May 6, 2011

Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition

Date played: May 5th
Holy shit! 
Platform: 3DS
Time played: 30 minutes
Session fun rating: 8/10

This was a good day to play SFIV it seems.  I won more than I lost is what I mean.  I destroyed an Akuma, humiliated a Ryu and beat a Juri by a close margin.  I also lost to a very good Ken and a decent Ryu.

The good Ryu and the good Ken would punish me like crazy when I got too close.  I think this is because I rely on my teleport a little too much against those guys.  If I just keep my distance I should do better.  The Ryu player was using the Shoryuken Ultra instead of the Hadoken and I think that worked really well against Dhalsim.