May 15, 2011


Date played: May 14th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 30 minutes
Session fun rating: 8/10

More multiplayer couch gaming!  Blur's mix of real car racing and Mario Kart/Wipeout weapon pick ups is great for multiplayer matches.  Again, me and two of my brothers went at it.  We even had a sister in law jump in for a race!

We had a lot of fun and everyone stood a chance to win.  I did dominate one of the races by grabbing first place early and building up a good lead so that I wasn't in range of most weapons but most of the time, we were fighting it out in the pack.

I fucking love split-screen racing games
It really is a shame that Bizarre Creations, the developer, is no longer in business.  These guys know how to make a good racing game and Blur could have been something big if it had been given the chance.  It's also impressive that split-screen runs really smooth and the graphics don't seem to take much of a hit.  More developers should include split-screen as much as humanly possible.  I'm looking at you Need for Speed Hot Pursuit.