May 28, 2011

L.A. Noire

Oh, I forgot to add, there was also a dry cleaning shop involved
Date played: May 28th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 75 minutes
Session fun rating: 9/10

I completed another case, The White Shoe Slaying.  Another day, another dead woman.  Thankfully, she wasn't naked this time!  As usual, I checked out the husband (and his two young girls) and there were signs that he was the murderer.  This one also involved a douchebag, a horny sailor, a funny cab driver, ballroom dancing, a bus schedule, driving around a bus route to find said bus and a disfigured hobo. VARIETY GALORE!

Since I don't want to spoil anything, I'll just say that I solved it with four stars.  The husband was a tough one to question.  I also did a few side missions and started the next case but I've only really seen the crime scene so far.