May 25, 2011

Call of Duty Black Ops

Date played: May 24th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 50 minutes
Session fun rating: 7/10

I tried out a couple of new things today, just for fun.  I played one match on Nuketown with the Stakeout.  I was pretty satisfying and I had a decent score.  The Stakeout really has a better range than you would expect from a shotgun.  The downside is that is only stores four rounds and shoots pretty slowly.  I also tried out two combinations of dual wield SMG's.  I NEVER use SMG's so I thought I might give it a shot.
Dual wielding these is a blast!

The first attempt was pretty lame.  I had two Skorpions on Summit and it just didn't feel right.  I did manage to keep a positive K/D ratio but it was rough.  I realized that I had to be extremely close to opponents to even have a chance of hitting them, let alone killing them.  The next attempt was much better.  I used two Spectre's on Grid and tore shit up real good!  I was the top player in the match.  I only had to be a bit more defensive and stay inside or close to corners to avoid Assault rifle and LMG fire from long range.  I think if I had a pistol as well, I would do even better.

Then I reverted back to my trusty old M60 and had below average performance.  I think I was distracted and I was just a little bit slower than usual.  It was still fun but I cursed at my TV more than once.