May 23, 2011

Donkey Kong Country Returns

Date played: May 23rd
Platform: Wii
Time played: 150 minutes
Session fun rating: 10/10

I love this game so much!  I wanted to play something with a happier tone than L.A. Noire so I popped in Donkey Kong.  I beat the world 4 boss who is a mole on a giant mine cart.  Then I played through the entirety of the fifth world, a forest.  The normal levels were fun but overall, not very difficult compared to some others.  Vines, spiders and carnivorous plants were a common sight.  There was also a LOT of barrel shooting, some of it over very long distances.  It looked really cool.

There was a very memorable level where a very large ant colony chases me through the entire level.  Then, shit hit the fan.  The bonus level, 5-K, was extremely difficult for me.  I must have lost over 50 lives trying to get things right.  There were a lot of barrels with difficult timing.  There were also a few difficult jumping parts where I had to bounce on rubber tires and such.  As much as I was frustrated, I loved every second of it.  It works because the game is not cheap.  Just like Super Meat Boy, when I die, I know why and that's rewarding.

Once I got through that (like an hour later), I beat the boss who was a breeze compared to what I had just endured.  The boss was some kind of electric flying caterpillar.  Enough said.