May 3, 2011

Call of Duty Black Ops

Date played: May 3rd
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 60 minutes
Session fun rating: 9/10

The ballistic knife is hard to use but fun
PSN is still down but this time, I had someone to play with in split screen.  My brother and I decided to play a few matches of free-for-all against bots. The twist is that we had made our own custom rules.  What we did most was play with ballistic knife, tomahawk and regular knife only.  It was actually a lot of fun and made me much better at using these weapons.  We also played a pistol only match (I had dual pythons, he had a regular pistol), a shotgun match and a crossbow + uzi match.

We enjoyed ourselves, mostly because we actually stood a chance against the "regular" difficulty bots.  And let me tell you, these AI are stupid.  Really fucking stupid.  They stand there for a second before shooting, they don't usually hear me coming up behind them, they ignore others when they are engaged in combat and they use routes that normal humans would never use.

Overall, this was a nice distraction while I wait for PSN to come back online.