May 26, 2011

L.A. Noire

Date played: May 25th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 70 minutes
Session fun rating: 9/10

I completed another case in the homicide desk.  Another day, another dead naked woman with writing on her body.  Weird I know.
Ewww.... another dead woman

The episode was called The Silk Stocking Murder because of course, the lady had been strangled to death with a silk stocking.  There was a dangerous husband (again), an old gossipy hag and a weird grocer who smuggles alcohol.  This was my first case where I got five stars, finally!

The killer left a strange tail of evidence near the crime scene that led up to the top of some buildings.  I don't want to spoil more but let's say I'm eager to see more of the story.