May 3, 2011

Ghost Recon Shadow Wars

Date played: May 2nd
Platform: 3DS
Time played: 80 minutes
Session fun rating: 9/10

This game is really starting to shine.  I played two missions today.  The first was pretty simple yet challenging.  I only had four ghosts available so I picked stealth, heals, gunner and assault as it seemed like a versatile combo.  This worked out pretty well but I failed the first time because I pushed my gunner a little too far into enemy territory.

The mission had me capturing two command flags then killing off the remaining enemies.  The twist is that if I didn't capture the command flags fast enough, the enemy could summon as many as four opponents per turn.

The second mission was more interesting as I had my full squad and was infiltrating a giant base.  In this case, there were actually two paths and my team was split in two.  I had to be careful on how I approached enemy groups as one of my squads did not have a healer.  One thing that kind of annoys me in this game is that the missions can be quite long.  I'm not sure if I can save in the middle of a fight though.  This mission took me almost an hour.

Banshee, the stealthy lady with a big knife
Also, I've discovered that my favorite character is the stealth lady as she can fire without receiving return fire and more importantly, she has a knife.  The knife is extremely strong (at least for now) as it kills most enemies in one shot.  If the enemy is too strong, I even have the option of using Rapid Strike, a move that allows my ghost to attack twice in one turn and I can combine this with the command power that allows me to play another turn with a character.  Basically, three attacks in one turn.

I have now completed chapter 2 and I believe there are seven chapters.  This will be a long game.  It really is the deepest 3DS game out there.