May 29, 2011

L.A. Noire

Date played: May 29th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played:  130 minutes
Session fun rating: 8/10

One of the suspects.  He has a scarf.  Lol.
This case was about a vagrant, alcoholic woman who died in a train yard.  The case followed the same formula as the others before it.  Get clues, investigate other areas, interrogate witnesses then charge a suspect.

In this one, there was a guy who was a friend of the victim who had terrific voice acting and animation.  He really stood out when compared to some of the other characters.  I think it was his voice that did it.  Either way, I had a tougher time when questioning people this time around and only scored 3 stars.

Then I started the next phase of the homicide desk which is chasing after the dude who's actually been killing these women, the serial killer.  He's been sending letters to the police station and I set off after him when I got a good clue.  Then set in a long goose chase of finding a location, finding a clue there and guessing where the next location is.  It's a bit boring but it's the first time I get to visit the L.A. landmarks for a good reason.  I also collected some hidden cars and finally saw some of Hollywood!  Soon, I will catch the killer.