May 1, 2011

Super Mario Galaxy 2

Date played: May 1st
Platform: Wii
Time played: 80 minutes
Session fun rating: 9/10

This game is always a lot of fun, if only it was in HD....  I got about 8 or 9 stars today.  I think I'm up to about 102 or something.  There were some difficult levels, some funny levels and some clever levels.  There was also a water level but I'll keep this one for last.

Giant flaming dragon?  No problem.
There was one level where I had to collect some purple coins in a short period of time on a difficult level.  I think it's called Clockwork something.  It was tough but I actually got it on my first try.  I feel like this is one star that a lot of people could get frustrated by because it's very easy to misjudge a jump and die.

There was also a level that was lit for only a moment every five or six seconds.  That was pretty cool, I think it was called Flash Black Galaxy.  Then I killed a giant flaming dragon on a small planet and went back once more to Throwback Galaxy to collect five silver stars while respecting a time limit.  It was all well and good.  Except for ONE thing.

A water level.  In every single game, I always hate water levels.  The one exception is Donkey Kong Country and that's because the controls were actually responsive.  In every other game, it seems like the designers just want to make the level boring, hard to control and slow.  Fuck off water levels, I hate you.