May 3, 2011

Crysis 2

Date played: May 3rd
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 120 minutes
Session fun rating: 9/10

What a great campaign!  I reached a nanosuit "dock" thing so that Gould could examine the suit but we got busted by the two Cell officers that were after me the whole game.  They dragged me out of the building against my will.  Then we got attacked by aliens and all hell broke loose.  Buildings blowing up, skyscrapers falling down and giant tentacle things coming out of the ground.

These guys are a lot of fun to fight
Then I got in contact with another guy who seemed to be trying to help me.  I got away and started making my way towards an alien nest or something.  Now I'm not fighting humans, I'm only fighting the Ceph.  I fought some giant tank-like enemies that reminded me of the Hunters in Halo.  It takes a LOT of firepower to take them down with rocket launchers being the best choice so far.

I'm really enjoying the campaign in Crysis 2.  Firefights are fun, the suit is useful and unique and the cut-scenes look very impressive and cinematic.