May 5, 2011

Mass Effect 2 demo

Date played: May 5th
Platform: PC
Time played: 20 minutes
Session fun rating: 4/10

Ok, this is going to be a short one.  I've played Mass Effect 2 on 360 when it came out last year and I loved it.   I was just curious to see how well it ran on my PC, which is about the same as on 360 honestly.  I had to run it in 720p or else it was choppy and the effects looked about the same as what I played on 360.

I'm not going to buy it again obviously and I don't think I'll play it again, it was just a tech demo for me in this case.  My laptop ran it well although it did stutter a few times but mostly I think my PC is just overheating a bit.  Such is the plight of gaming laptops I guess.  I can't wait for Mass Effect 3.