May 28, 2011

Ridge Racer 3D

Maybe I'll turn on the stupid icons after all
Date played: May 28th
Platform: 3DS
Time played: 20 minutes
Session fun rating: 8/10

It's odd, I keep coming back to Ridge Racer 3D but it's really not that special.  However, it is a very solid, reliable game that can be played in short bursts.  It's almost like filler gaming but every time I play it, I have fun and that's all that really counts.

I played through one more GP and while the game is getting a little bit tougher, I have yet to lose a race.  Although today I did finish a race while blocking an opponent from passing me.  When I got the game, I turned off the icons on top of other racers because I thought it was distracting but now I'm starting to think I may have to turn them back on soon so that I can block others more easily.  I could also play in first person but I'm not sure I could adjust to that quickly.  I'll reconsider once I start losing.