May 6, 2011

Metroid Other M

Date played: May 5th and 6th
Platform: Wii
Time played: 115 minutes
Session fun rating: 6/10

I got this from Goozex today.  I didn't want to buy it full price since the reviews and general impressions were pretty negative but I do like Metroid and I've enjoyed other games from Team Ninja so I still wanted to play it.

Samus is such a badass
I've only played a bit so far, it's interesting but there are problems.  For one, the voice acting sucks.  Also, the game has been really dark so far and there is no brightness setting. Samus also doesn't really feel like the Samus I know from Metroid Prime.  I loved that Prime was a solitary experience, it felt like Samus was a real, independant warrior.

The game mechanics are pretty cool though.  It's basically a third person action game with auto-aim.  You can also change to a first person perspective at any time but cannot move, you can only shoot.  Also, it's worth noting that the FMV looks really good, something that doesn't happen a lot on Wii.

I beat a giant one eyed purple boss by shooting it with missiles and stuff.  There's also some really cool animations when taking down some enemies.  There was a great scene in an elevator shaft where I dropped it on an enemy.  The morph ball sections are also interesting but so far, haven't been as good as in the Prime games.  I'm interested to see where the game goes from here.