May 29, 2011

Afro Samurai

Date played: May 29th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 20 minutes
Session fun rating: 7/10

Well, I got this for 5$.  I like Afro Samurai, I like action games, I had 5$.  What can I say?

Anyway, this is an action game where Afro, played by Samuel L Jackson, must kill a bunch of dudes by slicing them up.  I only played a few minutes to see the intro but it seems like a quality game, if not amazing.  The combat is cool with light, hard and kick attacks.  There is also a focus mechanic that lets Afro do a one swipe kill.

Badass motherfucker indeed
It's bloody and gory, it's got cool music by The RZA and it's got a nice vibe.  So far, m only complaint is that it's really traditional in terms of gameplay and that the camera is wonky.