May 23, 2011

L.A. Noire

Date played: May 22nd
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 200 minutes
Session fun rating: 9/10

I solved two more cases this time and spent a whole lot of time doing radio dispatches (side missions) and finding the hidden cars I had unlocked.  While the side missions are varied and fun, the car collecting is quite boring.  I drove most of the time just because I wanted to get to know the city a little better and it served it's purpose.  The hidden cars look really cool but they are mostly useless since they don't have a police siren or a radio.

That's the cop from Heroes, he can hear my thoughts!!!
The first real case on the homicide desk was The Red Lipstick Murder.  It was a really cool case with interesting characters and some good interviews.  A lady was found dead and naked in a remote area.  I got a three star rating.  Again.  Also, FRONT FRONTAL FEMALE NUDITY hahah!  This doesn't really happen much in video games so it is worth noting,

The next case was even better.  It was called The Golden Butterfly.  It was another naked dead woman case.  I had an interview with a teenager, a bar manager, a pedophile creeper and the victim's husband.  For the first time, I found all the clues and got all the questions correct.  However, I STILL got a three star rating because I think I accused the wrong guy.

I felt a little bit cheated but the rating really doesn't matter much so I'm glad I went with my judgement.  Too bad Team Bondi had a different view of things.