December 25, 2015

Zoo Tycoon

Date played: December 25th
Platform: Xbox One
Session fun rating: 9/10

Santa Claus brought a gift for my daughter and I, Zoo Tycoon for Xbox One! I had loved the demo when I first got my Xbox and my daughter just loves animals and zoos, so it was a great gift. We played through the tutorials, then got to start building our own park.
There were tons of elephants in the tutorials
My daughter helped me make a ton of choices in the game, like the name of our park (Le Zoo des Animaux), the shops (Les Ballounes Rigolotes) and even each individual animal. By the end of our session, we had a popcorn shop, a burger shop, a couple of restrooms and statues, zoo keepers, janitors and more.

Our first animals were giraffes, then we got some lizards, peacocks, lemurs and even some Siberian tigers! There's a lot to do in this game, like managing the economy, the staff, the animals, the habitats, the customers and research. I'm really impressed with the polish and attention to detail in this game. It's also really cool for my daughter since she likes to give her opinion and ideas while I play. I can't wait to continue expanding our park and get some new, cute animals!