December 20, 2015

Rocket League

Date played: December 19th
Platform: PS4
Session fun rating: 8/10
This was one of my best goals last night, a back flipped bicycle kick! 
Two of my brothers and one of my friends came over to hang out last night and we spent a lot of time playing some Rocket League as a 3 person team online. At first, we were all kind of rusty, so it was rough and we lost a few games in a row. We finally started doing a bit better later on, but we never really played as well as we're capable. There's some cute Christmas stuff to be won, like gift antennas and deer antlers, so we had fun messing around with those things. We had a few very good plays, including one where my brother made me a long pass from mid-field, which I then slammed into the goal with a bicycle kick while going in reverse!