December 18, 2015

Fallout 4

Date played: December 17th
Platform: PS4
Session fun rating: 9/10

I've finally reached the Institute!

When I went back to see Virgil with the data from the Courser, he decoded it and gathered information on how to build the teleporter to the Institute. I had the choice of building it with the help of either the Minutemen, the Brotherhood of Steel or the Railroad. I like the Railroad the best so far, so I asked Tinker Tom to help me.
My teleporter to the Institute
I decided to build the teleporter in Sancturary. The thing requires 4 individual items to build, all of which required a good amount of materials. The items were a teleportation pad, a pylon, a satellite dish and a control console. They required quite a bit of space, so I decided to get fancy with it and spent most of my time in the game building a large fence for the teleporter, then decorating it and putting in some lights and power. It looks really cool... I stepped in and got teleported inside the Institute in a small, simple room. I can't wait to see what lies ahead!