December 10, 2015

Yoshi's Woolly World

Date played: December 9th
Platform: Wii U
Session fun rating: 8/10

Due to a school strike at my daughter's school, I spent the day home with her yesterday. After hours of drawing and other pre-school activities, we spent a bit of time playing Yoshi's Woolly World to relax. My daughter didn't want to play this time, but she still loves to watch and help me find the well-hidden collectibles.

I played through most of the second world. It started with a mid-world boss level, a Koopa fortress. I had to gather 4 keys from different parts of the fortress, which was littered with the familiar Koopa turtles. It was nice to be able to knock shells around to attack other enemies. Finally, I faced off against the boss, a giant, kind of obese Koopa who liked to stomp on Yoshi and spun it's shell to attack.
A giant Koopa boss!
The next level introduced Poochy, the cutest dog in video games.  The level was filled with Shy-Guys on stilts and spikes on the floor. Much of it required that Yoshi ride Poochy to safety. Next, I braved a level where lava reigned supreme. This one featured tons of treacherous jumps and giant lava creatured called Blarggs. I died quite a bit here, but I made it through safely. Finally, I explored a dangerous pyramid where I got to breathe fire and navigate dangerous underground tunnels.
Before turning off the game, I spent some time going back to previous levels of this world to find all the hidden flowers and yarn balls.