December 2, 2015

Rocket League

Date played: December 1st
Platform: PS4
Session fun rating: 7/10

I bought the new DLC pack that came out for Rocket League, they call it Chaos Run. It's a set of two new cars and matching accessories. It coincides with the release of a new map called Wasteland. This one is special because it actually has a slightly different shape and surface than the other maps. The walls are banked a bit differently and the boost pads are not exactly in the same spot. It's very minor, but in a game like this, where every match is played on the same field, it makes a huge difference.
The new Wasteland map and one of the new cars
Unfortunately, I only got to play half a match on the new map, but I liked what I played. The new cars are rough and tough vehicles that fit the look of the Wasteland map. I tried out both of them and liked them both, but I preferred Grog, a large truck of sorts.

I don't know what it was last night, but I was paired up with some really fucking awful players. No, these weren't new players, they were all pro's and veterans. And when I say awful, I mean it. One of these motherfuckers was so bad, he was flying around like an idiot, doing everything he possibly could to touch the ball, regardless of where it was, where it was going or which team he was on. It was awful. The silver lining is that I managed a couple of amazing individual goals, since no one else was able to really help.