December 14, 2015

Fallout 4

Date played: December 13th
Platform: PS4
Session fun rating: 10/10

I finally continued the main story and met with Dr. Amari at the Memory Den to extract Kellogg's memories from his implant and learn more about how to find the institute and Shaun. The sequence was interesting, revealing a lot of interesting details about Kellogg's life. It was also revealed that Shaun was in the care of Kellogg in Diamond City for the first few years of his life, until he was about 8 or 9 I think, but that's not super clear. He was then taken away by the Institute when Kellogg was assigned to new work.

The most important piece of information I got from this whole thing is a name. Virgil was an institute scientist who rebelled and ran away. He was reported to be hiding in the Dead Sea, a very dangerous radioactive wasteland in the furthest reaches of the map, south-east of Diamond City.

This meant I had to take a big long walk into a heavily irradiated area. I grabbed my hazmat suit and followed a road on the east side of the map. I ran into a few Super Mutants and Raiders, as well as a Deathclaw, then I reached the edge of the Dead Sea. I put on my hazmat suit and ventured into the scary place.
The Glowing Sea is a scary, lonely place
It was a really long walk... I stumbled onto a few enemies, like a pack of ghouls, a few Deathclaws and a couple of Radscorpions. Since I was wearing my hazmat suit, I had no protection from their attacks, so I had to make damn sure that I wasn't getting hit at all. Thankfully, my powerful pistols did the job very well. I reached a settlement, deep in the Glowing Sea, that was inhabited by followers of Atom. These nutjobs believe worship the atom and it's radiation, as if it were a God or a person. They somehow have radiation resistance too... After a brief conversation with one of them, I learned that Virgil was holed up in a nearby cave.

I found the cave and Virgil, a man turned Super Mutant. He is much smarter than any other mutant though, and was surprised to learn that I wanted to infiltrate the Institute and destroy them. I convinced him to help me, so he told me the only way to get in was to use a teleporter. To do that, I would have to hunt down a courser, high tech synths, and steal some of it's equipment. He gave me a location where I could do that and wished me luck.