December 20, 2015

Fallout 4

Date played: December 19th
Platform: PS4
Session fun rating: 9/10

Fair warning, I will have giant SPOILERS in this post for the story of Fallout 4...

Now that you've been warned, you will learn that I entered the Institute and I found my son! It wasn't exactly what I expected though, since my child is now about 60 years old and is called "Father". He is the director of the Institute...

After recovering from the shock of this big news, he offered me to join the Institute and help humanity grow and survive. They have some weird ideologies though, believing that synthetics are the future of the human race. Father also has an obsession with creating children synths, modeled after his own likeness. They even admit to kidnapping people, recreating them as synths and sending them out into the Commonwealth to spy and experiment, not giving a shit about the person who was kidnapped. They also don't believe that synths should be treated as people, though they clearly have their own free will, thoughts and emotions.
The Institute is almost paradise...
I am not sure I want to join them, in fact, I feel like the Railroad has the best philosophy in the game. They want to free the synths and treat them as people... The Institute itself is a wonder of modern engineering. The whole underground building is very high tech, clean, safe and filled with optimistic scientists. I spent a solid hour exploring the facility, speaking with the different departments.

I got a couple of pieces of new equipment at the shop too, including a new chest piece and a more powerful Gauss rifle. Once I explored everything, I went back to Father and got a few quests to help the Institute, so I'll do that stuff. I also met with a person that is friendly to the Railroad. We started a plot to free a group of 15 synths from the Institute, though I still need to gather some information from the Commonwealth to continue this.

It led me to a science laboratory where I killed some ghouls and solved a cool puzzle. I had to find some containers in the building, then bring them back to a machine. Using a nearby terminal, I was tasked with completing the experiment. I had to examine the containers and make sure they had the right contents, then I activated a machine. This created a strong, unique, power armor chest piece. I killed a courser at the same time to help further the cause of the Railroad.