January 23, 2014


Date played: January 21st and 22nd
Platform: Vita
Session fun rating: 9/10

Holy shit, they put Super Meat Boy on a skateboard and added a combo system...

OlliOlli is a 2D, side scrolling skateboarding game that is hard as fuck. It's very difficult to describe the control system, but after fiddling with it for a few minutes, I was pulling off incredible combos, grinding impossible rails and face planting more than I would like to admit. Each short level has five goals, usually consisting of a combo score target, a final score target, pulling off a specific trick and two special tasks, like grabbing spray paint cans or grinding some forklifts.

This is a game that is all about timing. A sloppy landing grants no points and one bail is a game over. Perfect timing rewards the player with higher scores of course, but also a slight speed boost on grinds that proves crucial to success in some of the levels. Bails come fast and easy, making the game very challenging. The animation is incredible and the music is pretty cool, but that's not what OlliOlli is about. It's about precision controls and timing. The Vita lends itself really well to this type of  game because it's small sticks are very precise and fun to fondle.