January 28, 2014

Call of Duty Ghosts

I agree with this sign...
Date played: January 27th
Platform: PS4
Session fun rating: 8/10

I played with my clan last night, at one point, there were 5 of us in the same party and we completely cleaned up in Team Deathmatch, winning every single match by a landslide. Because of my aggressive style, I tend to score very high, but I die kind of a lot too. I was usually the top scorer and had a very good performance overall. I called in Hinds helicopters quite a bit too.

My team then decided to go play Hardcore Team Deathmatch and I definitely did not perform as well here. I'm loud and have a risky playing style, so hardcore is definitely not my cup of tea. I was pretty good still, but my clan mates were usually better as they camp a lot. I fucking hate camping, so even when I should, I don't. I had a blast anyway though and having people to talk to at the same time is a lot more fun.