January 20, 2014

Don't Starve

Date played: January 19th
Platform: PS4
Session fun rating: 7/10

Don't Starve was free on Playstation Plus, so I would have been a fool not to try it out. It turns out that this is a rogue-like, a genre I haven't been a huge fan of in most cases. I had tons of fun with FTL when I played it, but it's definitely not a genre I'm attracted to.

Don't Starve is all about, well, not starving. It's a randomly generated world filled with trees, grass, birds, rabbits, flowers, butterflies, carrots, flint, rocks, etc. During the day, I gathered as many items as I could so that I could ready for the dangerous night. In my first game, I was killed by bees who hit a lot harder than you might expect. I didn't even make it to the night. On my second run, I was getting to grips with the way the game plays and managed to make it to day 11.

I made a little fire every night, cooked my carrots and the few rabbits I caught and huddled around it until dawn. Item management is important too because the backpack is pretty limited in space. With time, I found enough items to build an axe, a pickaxe, a shovel, a razor (for my beard!), a pitchfork, a flower hat, an armor suit made of hay, a torch and even a scientific testing machine. The machine is the only way to learn how to build new items. I found a spot with dangerous spiders which I killed with a spear I found in the ground and built a sort of little camp near it since it had lots of trees to cut down. I made a huge mistake on day 11 though, I was too slow to build my fire and was killed by an unseen creature as I was scrambling to build the fire... I was rewarded with a new character, Firestarter, who seems to be a little pyromaniac girl.

I'm not sure I will play this game much again, it's really not my type of game. Even then, I would prefer FTL or something because I just like spaceships. Don't Starve is a fun game and it's interesting to learn it's mechanics, but I can see it getting boring real quick.