January 20, 2014

Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag

Date played: January 19th
Platform: PS4
Session fun rating: 8/10

I conquered a fort on the western side of the map. This was definitely a more difficult battle as I had to take out five buildings instead of the usual three I had been fighting in the previous forts. I was also in the middle of a giant storm and had to avoid cyclones while I aimed at the fort. I killed it's leaders and found a few chests and animus fragments.
Ship battles are the best part of this game

At the fort, two new naval missions popped up so I completed them. The first was a pretty simple one where I had to sink three ships. The second one was a real mess though. I had to take out a fucking beast of a vessel. I'm talking dozens of cannons on this thing with a massive mortar, and it was fast too! This took me multiple attempts until I finally found a working strategy... It turned out that the best way was to shower it with mortars from the furthest range possible then run away from it. I then dropped fire barrels galore while hitting it with mortars and avoiding incoming fire with quick turns. I then did a quick parallel attack, hitting it with cannons and went back to fire barrels and mortars. Eventually, I whittled down it's health and sunk it. That was such a hard fucking battle, I think it may have been intended for later in the game, but I was happy to pull it off.

I then gathered a few chests and animus fragments in the sea around the fort I just destroyed. I also hunted my first killer whale. That thing put up a bigger fight than any other fish yet.