January 18, 2014

Call of Duty Ghosts

Date played: January 15th and 16th
Platform: PS4
Session fun rating: 9/10

I'm in a clan and I'm fighting for territory!

A while back, I met a couple of guys from Toronto while playing Team Deathmatch. They were sometimes on my team, sometimes against me. Both of them have mastered the art of camping. When they were on my team, we stomped the opposition. When they were against me, they were the only real threat in the lobby. Personally, I'm far from being a camper. I run out, Ameli blazing and I'm fucking loud. People know I'm there and that's fine, because when they come after me, I take them out anyway. I found that playing against guys like that allowed me to patrol the areas on the outskirts of their camping area and take out people who were going after them but weren't in their range yet. After a few games, I sent them a "GG" message and I got a friend request in return. We played a few games together every once in a while and later, they invited me to their clan. I didn't make much of it until this week.

The app makes the clan wars interesting
It turns out, the clan stuff is all found in the Android and iOS apps. I installed the app on my phone and iPad and found out that we were involved in a huge clan war. It's a really interesting concept. We are basically put into a division against about 7 other clans, maybe more. They we must win a certain number of matches in a certain match type to capture a node. This node grants XP bonuses and helps win the clan war, which seems to last about a week.

We played a ton of weird game modes that I had never tried to capture some nodes. Cranked is a pretty cool variant of Team Deathmatch, except that every time you get a kill, you get a major speed boost and a timer appears. If you don't get another kill before the timer expires, you blow up and die. I was good at this mode because I already have a very aggressive approach to the game. We captured the node, beating out the other clans. We also captured the kill confirmed node. I was good, but having to reach the tokens after a kill changed my style a little too much. I died more and had a lower K/D ratio, but I captured a TON of tokens, often scoring first place.

 Finally, we captured two hardcore game modes, Hardcore Team Deathmatch and Hardcore Kill Confirmed. Hardcore mode is very different. There is no mini-map, unless we have Satcoms up. The damage is greatly increased, which meant I had one shot body kills at close range with the Ameli. There is no killcam, making the mode ripe with snipers. Finally, there is friendly fire, making mistakes more costly than in regular modes. I had fun, but the camping was a bit much for me. We are still in the middle of the war, but we have four nodes to our name. Not bad at all.