May 5, 2015

Wolfenstein: The New Order

Date played: May 4th
Platform: PS4
Session fun rating: 9/10

I played through the Lunar Base mission as our hero hitches a ride to the moon, posing as a Nazi science officer. The Lunar Base has some really cool, retro sci-fi design. Add in some swastikas and it becomes almost scary...

The main goal of the mission was to steal the nuclear activation codes to activate our U-boat's nuclear arsenal. There was a lot of sneaking around in this mission. I killed many Nazis by stabbing them in the neck or throwing a knife in their back. Along the way, I picked up an amazing upgrade to the Marksman rifle that turned them into crazy automatic energy rifles! While their ammo depletes rather quickly, they pack a real fucking punch and can take out the toughest enemies in a 5-6 seconds. Plus, they leave a big, disgusting charred hole in the flesh of my foes...
This is creepy
I had an interesting excursion outside of the base, complete with a spacesuit and low gravity. I only got to fight a few drones though, I wish I could have fought astronaut Nazis... When I finally got the codes, deep inside the base, I had to escape to the shuttle while shooting my way through another throng of enemies. Finally, I made it to the shuttle and crash landed on Earth, smack in the middle of some heavily armed enemies. The Lunar Base mission was refreshing, fun and completely insane. I loved it.