May 28, 2015

Final Fantasy VI

Date played: May 27th
Platform: Vita
Session fun rating: 7/10

Celes and Sabin explored the continent. There were a LOT of random battles here,  so most of my time was spent dispatching enemies, but I did manage to find two towns. I first found one of the larger towns, up North. I spoke to the villagers, many of which alluded that Figaro Castle was still in one piece, but buried in a desert somewhere, stuck. I also found a group called the Crimson Thieves who own a large ship and seem to be pretty cool. I bought some equipment, but I felt like I needed to explore the Eastern end of the continent before moving forward, so I hopped onto a chocobo and rode East.

I found a very small village in ruins... I found were a few orphans living in a basement and to my complete surprise, they were being cared for by Terra! It turns out, after Kefka put the world in ruins, Terra found herself taking care of these kids. She was happy to see us, but she seemed very depressed. That's when a giant demon attacked the village. The creature, named Phunbaba, was confronted by Terra, but she has lost her will to fight and couldn't muster up any real attacks. Sabin and Celes jumped in and fought the creature until it fled. Terra refused to join our party... but I hope she rejoins us later, she is easily my favorite character in the game.

Terra is defeated by Phunbaba, the demon
Back to the Crimson Thieves ship, we met it's captain who looked suspiciously like our old friend Edgar, though he denies it quite strongly... We hopped aboard the ship and made our way to another continent to the West.